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  • Writer's pictureNixiTy

10 Simple Tips to Safely Navigate the Digital World

1 Keep your passwords safe:

"Imagine that your password is like the key to your personal diary. You wouldn't want anyone else to have it, would you?"

Example: "Don't use '123456' as a password; that would be like leaving your door open to anyone."

2 Update your devices:

"Updating your devices is like installing a stronger lock on your door. It keeps you safer."

Example: "If you don't update your phone, hackers could find a way in."

3 Suspected strange emails:

"Don't open emails from people you don't know. They could be like strange letters in your mailbox."

Example: "I received an email saying I had won a prize without participating in any contest. That sounds suspicious, right?"

4 Don't share personal information online:

"What you post online is like a public announcement. Do not reveal private information."

Example: "Never share your address or phone number on social media. You don't know who might see it."

5 Use an antivirus:

"An antivirus is like a shield that protects your computer from viruses and malware."

Example: "Imagine that your computer has a knight who defends the castle against malicious dragons, that knight is your antivirus!"

6 Know who you are talking to online:

"On the Internet, some people may not be who they say they are. Be careful with strangers."

Example: "It's not safe to meet up with someone you met online without first verifying that they are really who they say they are."

7 Be careful with public Wi-Fi networks:

"Using public Wi-Fi networks is like talking out loud in a crowded place. Anyone can hear you."

Example: "At a coffee shop, it's best not to do online banking unless you're sure the network is secure."

8 Respect the privacy of others:

"Don't share photos or personal information about others without their permission. It's like opening your diary and showing it to everyone."

Example: "You shouldn't upload photos of your friends without first asking them if they agree."

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