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  • Writer's pictureNixiTy

The Cost of Carelessness: Analyzing the Devastating Effects of Healthcare Data Breaches on Millions

Imagine you have a secret diary that you don't want anyone to see. Now, think about someone breaking into your room and taking a peek. Well, that's a little like what's happening with people's health data in the US this year.

Big Breaches on the Rise

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has some not-so-great news. They say there's been a big increase in what they call "large breaches" over the past four years. It's gone up by 239%! These large breaches are like when someone breaks into a vault of secrets and takes away a lot of information.

Ransomware Trouble

Now, there's something called "ransomware," and it's causing even more problems. Ransomware is like when a digital bully locks up your computer and asks for money to let it go. The HHS has seen a 278% increase in these attacks.

What's Happening in 2023?

This year alone, more than 88 million people have been affected by these big breaches. That's a 60% increase compared to last year. Think of it like more and more people having their secret diaries taken away.

Hacking's the Biggest Culprit

The HHS says that 77% of these breaches happened because of hacking. It's like a digital break-in. So, imagine someone sneaking into your room to read your secret diary.

Ransomware's Taking Aim at Hospitals

The HHS says that hospitals are under attack from these ransomware bullies. This means hospitals are like the heroes trying to protect your secret diaries. But these bullies are making it tough. It's not just about secrets; it's also about keeping people's health information safe.

Safety at Risk

One expert, Jan Lovmand, said these attacks are a big threat to health and safety. They're like a bad guy messing with important medical stuff, which could even put people's lives at risk. Plus, they're stealing secrets, like your patient records.

Hospitals Need Help

Hospitals and healthcare places are like big targets for these digital bad guys. They use lots of technology to keep things running, but it also makes them an easy target. Plus, they don't always have enough money to protect themselves from these digital bullies.

So, it's important for everyone to work together and make sure that people's secrets, like health records, stay safe from these online troublemakers.Growing Concern: More Patients' Health Data Compromised in 2023

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